Coach’s Corner

Our 1st season game with a weak batting approach cost us the game.With 8 runs behind in the 1st inning, it was hard to come back. It took Sabastian Balk 25 Pitches to really warm up and throw 3 scorless innings with the help of a good defense, especially from Gerd Krajczy, line drive catch that turned it into a double play.

When Balk threw his 80th pitch, he had 3 hit by pitches, I knew then, I had to make a change. I had to pull out the key player of the game. After 2 years break, Carsten Pletscher came back and did a great job, with 10 put outs and 3 assists on 1st base and a 2 for 4 batting: one single and a double, and ended up pitching for the rest of the game and allowed only 1 run to come in. Great Job!!!

The 2 veterans, bringing in the 3 runs, were the Krajczy Brothers, Johannes and Gerd. Great Job also!!

Hopefully, our batting will be a lot better against Düsseldorf Senators!!!!!!!
