Feb. 6th 2011, 1st day of the Winterliga. Starting a new Coach’s Corner to tell you that the Jugend started off strong, 6 wins and 4 losses.
Today we had a new player that join the Chipmunks and did a great job for the first time playing baseball. Her name is Niki Schwarze.
I think she will help the team in the coming season. Today we played like a team, good hits and good defence. Our only week spot was always waiting for the next game, where we would get cold and start getting lazy. Where our losses would be from lack of concentration.
Next Saturday on Feb. 12th, we will go to Düsseldorf where we will meet the teams again. Wish us luck that we can bring back more wins, 6 is ok, but more would be better. Good job boys – Patrick, Justin, A.J., Christian, Rene, Tadas, Moritz, Philipp and Niki and my Co-Trainer Christian Penger.
I cannot forget the parents who supported us today. Mr. Balk, Mr. Sarasa, Mr. Hirschberger, Mr. Duchene and his wife and my wife for scoring.